Ava Walters

Ava Walters is the founder of LifeZen Publications. Coming from a family with a history of mental health issues, her journey began as a personal quest to find balance, inner peace, and what we all desire—happiness. This pursuit has led her to explore traditional psychotherapeutic methods and a diverse range of holistic practices.

She has an MBA with a specialization in International Project Management (IPM). However, her trajectory took a significant turn after experiencing “a burnout and a breakdown.” She then returned to her first love—writing, complementing it with her deep passion for psychology. This transformation marked the beginning of her new journey. One focused on unraveling the intricate connections between human behavior and mental healing.

Today, as a dedicated author, Ava seamlessly integrates the benefits of psychotherapy and holistic practices, offering readers a comprehensive roadmap to improved mental health. Her empathetic writing style creates a safe and nurturing environment for readers to embark on their personal journeys of healing.

When she’s not writing, Ava can be found on her yoga mat, taking long nature walks with her husband, or in the kitchen, where she is constantly experimenting with new recipes to her husband’s delight.

E: ava[at]life-zen.com

Hilde vd Berg

Hilde vd Berg is LifeZen’s resident fitness guru, boasting over 20 years of professional experience. She’s a certified Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Coach, Weight Loss Consultant, and International Yoga Master. Additionally, she co-owns an offline health and fitness center with her partner.

When asked about her fitness journey, Hilde often recalls, “I started at the age of 4.” Her parents enrolled her in ballet classes, kickstarting a lifelong passion for fitness that has spanned various activities, including ballet, tennis, taekwondo, and more.

Hilde has a deep passion for empowering people to achieve optimal health and vitality through her extensive knowledge of exercise science and nutrition. Her writing is characterized by its practicality and compassion, providing clear, actionable advice that empowers her readers to make lasting lifestyle changes.

When she’s not in the gym, writing, or parenting, you’ll find Hilde exploring the great outdoors and… mastering headstands. (That’s just her thing.)

E: hilde[at]befinallyfit.com